How To Maximize Your Social Security Benefits

Most seniors miss out on thousands of dollars every year because they just don’t know the facts about Social Security.
You see, the Social Security Administration has some pretty complex rules about what benefits you are entitled to.
Before you make a decision about Social Security you need to consider:
- Your Spouse’s Benefits
- Reductions in Benefits If You Are Still Working
- Taxes On Your Benefits
- Your Life Expectancy
- Your Spouse’s Life Expectancy
- Divorced Spouse Benefits
- Your Break Even Age For Waiting
- Extra Benefits Your Dependents Maybe Entitled To
- How To Coordinate Benefits With Your Spouse’s
…..and on and on and on.
If you want a guide to your benefits, Social Security has an Online Social Security Handbook.
It’s touted as a “Basic Guide to the Social Security Programs.”
It’s about 700 pages long.
After reading that mammoth of a guide, I began doing even more research about Social Security. I’ve sought out the very best strategies that seniors can implement to increase their Social Security benefits. I’ve got to admit:
These strategies are absolutely killer.
But isn’t the Social Security system going broke?
Some of my clients had never heard of maximizing their Social Security benefits. One of them was adamant about when he would apply for his Social Security. Everyone he knew always took their Social Security at age 62, so that’s when he wanted to take his.
He felt that way until I showed him the results of one of these strategies. By following the recommended strategy, he and his wife could expect to receive around $600,000 more over his expected life span.
However, over the past couple of decades we’ve all been hearing that Social Security has been going broke. That it’s better to take it now and get something, than it is to wait.
Maybe for my generation that’s true, but baby boomers can rest easy. All of the baby boomers are expected to receive their promised benefits over their lifetimes. Even if nothing is done to fix the Social Security system.
Here is a quick preview of one of the strategies you’ll find in my video course, Little Known Strategies to Maximize Your Social Security.
So in order to help you out, I’v taken all of my research and I’ve put together a video course. You’ll learn the same exact strategies that I use with my clients to maximize their Social Security benefits.
The course, Little Known Strategies To Maximize Social Security is available 100% FREE via email.
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